For some crazy reason I always think that winter is going to be less busy than summer...WRONG! I guess the busyness of this winter really comes down to the fact that I decided to start school again in January {spur of the moment...of course} I am taking 16 credits at BYU-I {night classes and online classes which add to the work load}...I am looking forward to being done with generals! To add to the my crazy schedule I am applying for scholarships, still working (although not nearly enough), Matt is working with his dad and trying to figure things out for him and Marsh's custom business this fall, we are playing plenty {cabin, condo, snowmobiles, snowboarding, nieces, nephews, baby-sitting}, and of course--we decided that we were going to buy a townhouse. We are closing on Feb. 23rd and are very excited!!!! Busy busy! So, needless to say the house work tends to go undone for days...i'm just glad Matt is willing to pitch in! Maybe this isn't all that busy to some, but to's insane! I never watch T.V. anymore {just Glenn occasionally and Top Chef every wednesday...thank you DVR!!} but...I can't complain, it has been a fun winter thus far! Here are some pictures...I have been slacking in taking my camera with me, but here are some highlights...
Christmas with the Surerus Fam:

Me and my two favorite guys! (Matt wouldn't wear his hat all pooper!)

Gabe, Anna, Grandpa, and Seth!

This is the cape I made for says "super moe" and has a princess crown on it...I'm so glad she loved it!

The little kids reading books from cute!

The boys playing an intense game of foosball on the new table!

This is the result of washing the kids' hair and then turning on the jets...whoops! At least they had fun :)...hopefully the jets aren't ruined...

^ The crew ^

My little red-neck :)
I have more....but I don't know where my camera cord is so I'll post them when I find it! :)