So, this might be a long post with many pictures. But that's okay i'm sure :). First of all let me just say that I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that school is out for 7 WHOLE WEEKS! Wa..hoo. For those of you wondering about my grades- all the grades I posted stayed the same but I added a block class that I got a B in. So much for a 4.0! But i'm definitely not concerned with that anymore!
Here's some highlights from the past couple of weeks:
One thing the little ones always do when they are over is go into "Matt's room". He shows him all of the flies he ties and other cool things he has. This time he had his fox fur hats (yes, he shot them) and so the little ones were wearing them around. They thought they were cool stuff!
So- Matt and I have been married 2 years as of Sunday.....PHEW! I can't believe that! It has gone by so fast! In that short time this is what has happened:
Matt graduated with his Bachelor's in Ag Business from BYU-I, we went to Hawaii for a second honeymoon, we got 2 new neices and 1 new nephew (I count Kael as my nephew:)..), I was a primary teacher, we got sealed in the Rexburg Temple, I started school again....TWICE, I got a killer job as an esthetician, Matt started his own business, I started selling bags, we bought our first house, we fished a lot, played a lot, and worked pretty dang hard to get where we are.
Thanks the BEST two years of my life Matt! Your the BEST! :)
For our anniversary we floated warm river to Ashton and fished. It was fun! Then we camped out up in Island park...just for the heck of it!
So the kids are gearing up for school again and we went over to my moms to see their new school clothes they got. Seth just turned 5 last week and will be starting kindergarten. He is the one who we took out to the farm and is in love with tractors now. Well, they found this shirt for him...
If you can't read it it says "will trade sister for tractor". I think it's so stinkin cute!
On a side note...I just finished making two bags for some girls I know (sorry it took me sooo long guys!!!) Here is a pic of one:
Check out in the next week or so and i'll have more posted!
(Don't mind the construction on it....I'm trying to redo a few things. Hopefully i'll get it done in the next couple days!)