Yes folks, It's me. I'm blogging. Please, please...don't die of shock on me. I have been a huge procrastinator...but here's my post for the month of August:
So, as I said I went to an amazing camp for kids with crohn's disease. It was so neat! I loved being around other people who are going through what I am. The camp was so cool and so inspirational. I can't post pictures or any info about the kids I worked with or the camp for safety reasons, but i'll post what I can! So basically the camp is for kids with different illnesses and they host a different camp each week throughout the summer. I of course wanted to go to the CCFA camp. I was placed with the 11-13 year old girls along with 7 other couselors. We took the girls to different activities through the week and watched them enjoy themselves! Some highlights for me included:
-dancing for 30 min. after every meal (yet I still gained 10lbs. while I was there!!!)
-having a food fight for "silly-o" and having the fireman hose us down (sooo coool!!!)
-watching the kids be themselves and realize that camp is awesome.
-going all the way to cali to meet someone who grew up 15 min from me
-having three co-counselors with accents (i was thinking in british and was afraid I was talking that way for about a week after camp!!!!!)
-meeting a ton of people who can relate to me and not having to explain what crohn's is to them.
Heres a few pics...

Me and some of the crazy ladies I worked with....sweet hats eh?

Making DUCT TAPE flowers!!! Arts and crafts was my fav! (how is duct tape spelled? duck....duct....goose..ha)


Canoeing on the "lake"....I think it was a lake. It was fun though...they had fishing too.

They had activity where the girls had to work together to solve problems. Pretty cool. It reminded me of team building things we used to do at girls camp.

Making bags in arts and crafts. The girls got pretty creative. One of them drew sponge bob...heck yes!

NO HANDS spaghetti night. I'm pretty sure spaghetti tastes better with no hands!

Horses! Yes, people in California ride horses. I seriously had no idea! haha...

This here is a sweet piniata (how the crap do you spell that??!!!) that one of my girls made in arts and crafts. I believe is is a mix between a cow and an otter....a "cowtter". Pretty nifty.
Here is the crew of ladies I was privileged to work with in my cabin: Aine, Kim, Aimee, Tonya (who happens to be an IF native...imagine that!), (me), Sarah, Lauren, and Ruth....thanks for the great week ladies! It was a blast! :)
And for those of you who are wondering- I found out I was pregnant at camp. I was 5 1/2 weeks and sooooo nervous i'd miscarry while I was at camp. Luckily I didn't. But the day after I got home I did. So, 6 weeks seems to be the unlucky week around here. I'm planning on going to see the doc about all hopefully good things come from that! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers- Especially you ladies in my ward. You have been great! I'm lucky to have such awesome sisters in my ward!
Anyway.....I hope everyone is enjoying the last week of August!