Sorry for my slacking...I'm really not THAT busy anymore. Just lazy I guess! Funny that as busy as I am with finals- today is the day I pick to blog!'s the procrastinator in me coming through! Anyway...
In October we carved pumpkins with our neighbors Mark and Ashley. They're awesome :)
Mark gets pretty crafty when he carves and prints patterns off the internet. So, we thought we'd be crafty too...this is what we came up with....
Matt ran up to the dam a few times this fall. Here is his best catch...
Here is the start of the book/pen collection Matt and I headed up...
Here is the result of our pen/book collection + more school kits we finished for Krys...
I think total we ended up with about 2500 pens and around 300 books!
We left for SLC on Thanksgiving (afternoon). On Friday morning we met Reeve Nield and her friends Cici and Lolly (all from Africa except Cici is from the netherlands I think...) at the loading dock to drop off our stuff and help them load what we could. They put us to work when we got there! The warehouse was huge and there was a TON of supplies they were packing the crates with. They had so much stuff that Reeve and her friends paid for another crate to be filled and shipped! Here is Matt (on top in the red) and a few players from the BYU baseball team loading a crate.
We packed everything from pens to clothes to medical supplies! Deseret book (Sheri Dew) donated a bunch of books for adults, a pharmacy gave them all of their barely expired medications, and the BYU baseball team gave them brand new cleats to take over and use for bargaining with the rich kids in order to get them to bring 10 or so pairs of clothes in exchange for the new cleats. Here is a picture of two of the crates. They are really HUGE when you are inside them filling them up!
It was so much fun to be able to help and meet awesome people who are so kind and giving (like Reeve, Cici and Lolly)! I'm so glad Krys let us help her out and be a part of such a cool project!
This year we did our little tradition of going to get a tree, feeding the fish, and eating at Big Jud's. This year our neighbors Mark and Ashley came with us (along with Ashley's parents). It was a blast to hang out with them! First we fed the was so cold, but we had a good time working our way through a loaf of bread! (Feeding it to the fish I mean...)

Matt was picky about the tree we got. He made me hike around for a whole 10 minutes :). I wanted one of the ones right by the pickup....but NOOOOOOooooOOOOOoo! It's okay was worth the short hike and my whole body going numb from the cold.
We were a little late putting up decorations (i'm a day after Thanksgiving person...but it didn't happen this year!) But better late than never! The garland around the banister is my fav. That's pretty much why we bought this house :-). (So I could put garland on the banister.)
My wreath I threw together. I've always wanted to make one, or just have one, but I didn't fee like being super creative (finals kind of make me that way!) so I just threw this little pretty together! I didn't get a good pic of our tree, but it's cute...just in case you wondered. I also wrapped our cabinets. Yes, you read that right. Our neighbors wrap their pictures and it is so cute! So, I wrapped a few cabinet doors and threw bows on fun!
Matt and Mitch hae been doing quite a bit of goose hunting. Matt even found a goose jerkey recipe that they like so he has been stinking up our garage while he makes it from all the birds he shoots. (Bird feathers and blood and meat all over my garage, counters, house...I'm a nice wife right? He really is clean about it all...just kinda gross.)
I went with them once. It was pretty cold. And no birds came in. I had fun though. The decoy's kept me you can see...
Well, I hope this was somewhat exciting to read/look at. I need to be better about taking good pictures. I need a personal photographer to come with me everywhere I go...that'd be nice.
I hope everyone is surviving finals/last minute Christmas shopping/wrapping/decorating!