Anyway, on with updates and news I'm sure you are all dying to hear.
First off, I graduated in December (I walked anyway) then finished up with student teaching in April.
It feels SO AMAZING to be done with school. I am so grateful for the experiences I had at BYU-I and for all of the great people I met there. Most of all I am grateful for the best husband and family in the world who supported me through 2 1/2ish years of non-stop school! You guys motivated me and helped me so much...I seriously could not have done it without you! Along with that news I passed all certifying requirements and am now a licensed K-8 Elementary Teacher in the state of Idaho! Yay! I have a job this next year at Terreton Elementary teaching a reading program for the junior high and teaching the advanced learners grades 3-6. I am so excited! I could not have asked for a better job in a more perfect place! Which leads me to my next news...
We moved! That's right. We are now living in Terreton! Matt has been commuting to work for the past 4 years of our marriage so we figured since I was done with school and got a job in Terreton we might as well make the move. The house we are living in is so wonderful and is so much more that we could have ever hoped for. I am not sure how long we will be here, but I know that no matter how long it is we will enjoy every minute! The yard is so big and such a joy after living in a townhouse for two years. We are just country kids and need grass and dirt roads to play on ;)
(taken 2010)
Now we can shoot guns and dig spuds right in our back yard!
We are so happy to be here and feel so blessed to have the chance to live and work on the farm! Ever since I was little I have dreamed of living on a farm and raising my kids on a farm. I can't believe we actually have the chance now. I tell Matt every day he makes all my dreams come true...and he does! Love that boy :)
BABY IN MY BELLY!: on to the news that everyone really came to my blog to hear. This is "our little big news". So if you are reading this you most likely know my history with trying to have babies. For those of you that don't or aren't up to speed here's the scoop: Matt and I have been trying to have kids since we have been married (4 years). I have had 6 miscarriages, all between 6 and 8 weeks. I have tried different medications relating to hormones, my Crohn's Disease, and other things. Nothing has worked....until now :)....we hope! I found out I was pregnant in May, which was a shock because I had just miscarried in March and I have never gotten pregnant that quick after a loss. I went to my doctor and asked him if we could try a medication I had been researching. It's called Heparin and it is an injectable blood thinner. He was on board so I started the medication right away. After 8 weeks of twice a day shots and lots of vitimins, nausea, tears, scares, and ultrasounds...I am excited to announce that baby # 7 is 12.4 weeks along and is looking so healthy and so cute! My due date has changed a few time (which I guess is normal since I had a ton of ultrasounds in the first trimester). But the official due date now is January 24, 2012.
4 weeks....

7 Weeks...

10, bottom-regular

At our 10 week ultrasound the heartbeat was 169 bpm and the baby was measuring right on track. We have seen healthy heartbeats with some of our other babies, but never past 8 weeks. So we are pumped that I have made it this far and that the baby is doing so well. We really think it's the injections that are doing the trick for us. I have felt pretty good and have only had occasional nausea etc. Just in the last two weeks have I really felt my gut starting to change and am feeling like I am in the "are you getting fat or are you pregnant?" stage. Luckily I have lost weight and not gained any :). So, fingers crossed and you can bet we are praying hard that this little guy or gal keeps on growing! We find out the sex in a month...I cannot wait! Thank you to everyone who has kept us in your thoughts and prayers through this whole trial. The prayers have been felt and I take comfort in knowing so many of you have cared. Obviously we don't know what the future will bring, but I am grateful for all of the trials I have had and know that they have only made me better and stronger!
Phew...that was a lot of news. As you can tell life has been treating us pretty well lately. We feel so blessed and honestly could not ask for one more thing!
No promises on being faithful in the blogging world, but I will try ;).