So you should come see me!!!!!
We are called Cosi Bella Medical Aesthetics.
We do
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Leg Vein reduction
Acne treatments
Cellulite treatments
Chemical Peels
We are giving away a ton of awesome stuff!
Punch cards with great deals, FREE TREATMENTS, and sweet coupons.
We are also offering FREE skin care and body image consultations that day!!!!
I'll be behind the sign that looks like this:

Hope I see ya there!!! :)
Man!!! Can't you guys do it 10 days later!!! I won't be in town until then and I have these awesome bags that are supposed to go on a horse but somehow found their home on my sides...I they are called saddle bags. haha, no but seriously that sounds awesome. Hope you have a fun and busy day!! We're gonna miss the fam reunion but will be in town on the 14th!! We are so excited.
we are going to be out of town, otherwise i would totally come to this! you are so cute breezie. and, you have a sweet job! :)
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