I started feeling guilty that I still check everyone else's blog...but I never blog . So, here's a bit of an update on our happenings...
- I'm almost done with the semester...YAY! But, I will NOT be posting my grades this time...I've been...ummmm...well....a bit of a slacker! :)
- I registered for my last semester of course work before I students teach...WAHOOOO!
- Matt got nationally trained as a rock climbing/rappelling instructor through BSA and coordinated the Cedar Badge rappelling in June.
- Matt is gearing up for grain season... :-/
- I have had 2 more miscarriages (march & june) which brings the grand total of little ones we may get to raise someday to 5.
- We found out why I am miscarrying (we think)...most likely my thyroid (hypothyroidism) and just a crappy malfunctioning immune system.
- We have gone fishing a few times this summer...I love just being outside and NOT doing homework!
- We have hung out with family pretty much all summer [Nephews being ordained to the priesthood and baptized, playing cards, riding the 3 wheeler (may she rest in peace...long/funny story), playing at the dunes, shooting squirrels (and any other creature that moves), watching fireworks...etc...etc...]
Kacy, Yandie, Me, Krys....YES, the wind was blowing.
After a long, cold day of riding on the dunes...so fun!
Yandie & Me cruising around the farm...Doesn't her beauty put any ounce of mine to shame?!
Spring on the Henry's Fork
- We are going on our 3rd year of marriage...and we couldn't be more in love :)
- We have been working at the Rexburg Temple as ordinance workers for almost 1 year...and it has been the biggest, best blessing in our lives!
- Matt is busy as the Elder's Quorum Pres. in our ward...it's so neat to see him serve and fulfill his priesthood duties!
- I'm the 2nd counselor in the R.S. Pres. and love the girls I work with and love getting to be trained and learn so much from our stake R.S. Presidency! It's definitely a learning/growing experience for me!
Here fishie fishie...
Anywhoo.... I hope everyone is doing awesome!
oh breezie! i'm so sorry for your miscarriages, but i really like your optimism of getting to take care of those precious spirits one day! you're so wonderful!
Holy Smokes Lady! You are a busy woman. We were sure happy to see you guys when we were out there last month. I really had a great time catching up with you. Can't wait till we can move back out there to join you in all your fun adventures. Sure love you guys!
Breezie!!! I'm soooo sorry about your miscarriages! We had four before we had maggie and I know the pain that causes! If you ever need to talk let me know!
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