
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

End of semester, 2 Years, Kids, and Bags!

So, this might be a long post with many pictures. But that's okay i'm sure :). First of all let me just say that I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that school is out for 7 WHOLE WEEKS! Wa..hoo. For those of you wondering about my grades- all the grades I posted stayed the same but I added a block class that I got a B in. So much for a 4.0! But i'm definitely not concerned with that anymore!
Here's some highlights from the past couple of weeks:

The kids (AKA my brother's 7 kids) all came over (except for baby Anna) and had a sleep over. It was so much fun! Matt had his Dad's Austin Heley (can't spell) on a trailer so they all hoped in and thought it was pretty nifty. Me and the little ones went to the park for a bit that was fun. We ended up going over to Matt's Grandmas and helping her in her yard- so the kids got to play with Katelyn and Krystal- they had a blast in Grandma's huge yard!
One thing the little ones always do when they are over is go into "Matt's room". He shows him all of the flies he ties and other cool things he has. This time he had his fox fur hats (yes, he shot them) and so the little ones were wearing them around. They thought they were cool stuff!

Gabe and Seth sporting the fox hats.

Mia- she wasn't to sure about it at first but then she didn't want to take it off!
Mia LOVES Matt! She won't even give me the time of day! It's always Matt this and Matt that....its' pretty stinkin cute! :)
So- Matt and I have been married 2 years as of Sunday.....PHEW! I can't believe that! It has gone by so fast! In that short time this is what has happened:
Matt graduated with his Bachelor's in Ag Business from BYU-I, we went to Hawaii for a second honeymoon, we got 2 new neices and 1 new nephew (I count Kael as my nephew:)..), I was a primary teacher, we got sealed in the Rexburg Temple, I started school again....TWICE, I got a killer job as an esthetician, Matt started his own business, I started selling bags, we bought our first house, we fished a lot, played a lot, and worked pretty dang hard to get where we are.
Thanks the BEST two years of my life Matt! Your the BEST! :)
For our anniversary we floated warm river to Ashton and fished. It was fun! Then we camped out up in Island park...just for the heck of it!

I have never rode a motorbike before- so Matt taught me...okay really I taught me...but it was fun! I only ran into a tree and the pickup....and only tipped it on myself once. I think I did awesome! :P
So the kids are gearing up for school again and we went over to my moms to see their new school clothes they got. Seth just turned 5 last week and will be starting kindergarten. He is the one who we took out to the farm and is in love with tractors now. Well, they found this shirt for him...
If you can't read it it says "will trade sister for tractor". I think it's so stinkin cute!
On a side note...I just finished making two bags for some girls I know (sorry it took me sooo long guys!!!) Here is a pic of one:
Check out in the next week or so and i'll have more posted!
(Don't mind the construction on it....I'm trying to redo a few things. Hopefully i'll get it done in the next couple days!)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ever fish for squirrels? I have!

So I know it's been nearly a month since i've posted...I know, I know it's horrible. But here is my little catch-up (I always think of ketchup when I type that....funny).
The weekend of the fourth we went up to reunion flatts (by the tetons) for the Klingler fam reunion. We only stayed one night- but it was pretty fun. Here's the highlights:
We went on a hike up a canyon- can't remember where (cuz i'm cool like that). Notice how excited Matt is about it...(well about me taking a picture anyway...boys!) and ignore the lack of make-up please. :)

Matt & Katelyn (his lil sis)- two of my favorite people!!! :)
After the hike we were hanging out at the camp site and Matt's cousin Rob decides he is going to catch a squirril on his fishing pole. So, we gathered our camp chairs (well only 4 of us) and watched. And sure enough, he caught the little bugger- I wont go into detail, but here is some footage:

yah, it was funny. He let it go don't worry :)
On the fourth I hung out at my booth for work. Liz (my bff) works with me now too so she hung out for a while too. We made lots of contacts and it was a great day! Afterwards we watched the fireworks with the Klingler fam. It was amazing! My ears were ringing!