
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Come See Me!

On the 4th I'm going to be working a booth on the green belt for the doctor I work for.
So you should come see me!!!!!
We are called Cosi Bella Medical Aesthetics.
We do
Laser Hair Removal
Laser Leg Vein reduction
Acne treatments
Cellulite treatments
Chemical Peels
We are giving away a ton of awesome stuff!
Punch cards with great deals, FREE TREATMENTS, and sweet coupons.
We are also offering FREE skin care and body image consultations that day!!!!
I'll be behind the sign that looks like this:

Hope I see ya there!!! :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

LDS E-zine

A while ago I subscribed to LDS Living's online magazine e-mail (or something to that effect...) and I have really enjoyed it.
I thought i'd share it with everyone! (Best part is that it's FREE)
Here is what you get (as stated on the site):

"Family Night"
This popular article offers a new FHE idea for each Monday. Our Family Night email gives you a lesson topic, related hymn, full lesson, fun activity and scripture references to go with the lesson. This is a fantastic tool for LDS Lifestyles. You will surely enjoy this article!

Tuesday "Living Well"
Tuesday's email begins with an uplifting or thought-provoking thought. We also include an inspirational article as well as a Health Tip and Dating Tip. You'll love Tuesdays!

Wednesday "LDS Events & News"
This is our most popular LDS email. Once a week we update you on upcoming LDS Events and Top News headlines.

Thursday "Family Products"
This is a weekly focus on a product that our subscribers are recommending or amazing sale items that we have found for you.

Friday "Everything Sunday"
Friday's email includes a great idea for Young Men / Young Women. There is also helps for preparing for the Gospel Doctrine lesson that week, a Church History article, "Remembering Joseph", and great ideas for LDS Lifestyles... ideas for Primary, Relief Society, Nursery, Elders Quorum Parties, YM/YW, etc. If you have any great ideas of things you've done in your ward, email us!

Weekend "Family Weekend"
Saturday's email gives you and your family ideas of things to do over the weekend. From packing a tasty picnic to family crafts or kids crafts and creating a new family budget... this email will give your family some great ideas!!

To subscribe you go to and hover over the "magazine" icon and a drop down menu will appear and you will click on "e-mail magazine". After that it will show you all the info I posted and as you for your e-mail addy.
Simple as that!

BTW...isn't this weather awesome today!?!!?! (Besides the chilliness)
Hope everyone is enjoying it!

Friday, June 19, 2009


I have been dreading looking at my midterm grades...I have worked my tail off the first part of this semester and was afraid that it hadn't paid off. I decided to take 20 credits (yes, I am crazy). I want to get done with school ASAP, so that's why the huge load of classes...anyway...I finally looked at my grades and this is what I found...


1st Summer Term 2009


CourseSectionCourse TitleMid-TermFinal GradeCreditPoints

I was shocked! I thought i'd at least have a few B's. I have NEVER EVER had a college report card look like this! I guess the more credits I take the more focussed I am. So, I thought i'd make my mommy proud and brag a little :)! But anyway...if you haven't seen me or heard from me as often as usual- this is probably why!

Monday, June 15, 2009

You made my day :)

To Geri, Lauren, Marty, Alex, and Amber
You all made tears come to my eyes with your comments. 
Thank you for being so thoughtful. 
I know that some of you have had even harder trials than mine, 
ones that I don't think I could face-
 this makes your kind words 
mean the world to me! 
It's nice to be able to relate to others and not feel so alone.
 I am lucky to know so many wonderful women!
  You guys are inspiration to me...thanks for making my day :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nothing is lost to the Lord...

As some of you know this month was my due date for our first pregnancy. I can’t help but think about our sweet little baby that would have been born at the end of this month. As any woman who has had a miscarriage knows…it’s impossible to forget. I have had two miscarriages now and I often think of how big my belly would be and what we would be doing preparing for baby. In the last nine months I have done a lot of reflecting and searching. I can’t seem to dismiss my two little ones who lived only 6 weeks inside me. A feeling keeps tugging at me that I will see them again. The words of Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder, and Anthon H. Lund state, “The body of man enters upon its career as a tiny germ or embryo, which becomes and infant, quickened at a certain stage by the spirit whose tabernacle it is…” Modern technology reveals a heartbeat of our tiny embryos weeks after conception. Some may disagree, but if you do please don’t say so- I like to think that my little ones are baby angels waiting for me on the other side. The Lord tells us that, “Nothing is ever lost.” This to me indicates just that, nothing will ever be lost to the Lord. I will always remember and feel a connection with each baby I know was inside me. They are our children. Although we did not know them, Heavenly Father gave us the power to create them and the technology to know that they were there and that they were ours. I know that the Lord knows my grief over my loss of my tiny angels, and He will remember them always. I don’t know what the future holds for Matt and I- we’re hoping it is filled with many babies to bring many smiles into our home. Until that time we’ll continue on- knowing that our Savior is mindful of our trails and us. I will continue being the mother I am (and that every other influential woman is) by loving and mothering all the sweet children I am around each day, by being loving and compassionate for those around me, and by fulfilling my purpose on this earth. Every daughter of God who strives to fulfill her purpose is a Mother in my eyes and I believe is a Mother in the Lord’s eyes as well. Some of the greatest mother's I know never had any children. They were mother's in every way, shape, and form except biologically. As future Mother’s days come and the thoughts of my baby angels linger, I will celebrate knowing that I AM a Mother because I am doing all I can to be a daughter of God. I am thankful for the gospel in our lives. It truly brings peace to my soul. I may not know what God's plan is exactly, and I may not know what is and what isn't in His eyes, but I do know for certain that He has a plan for me and my family and that plan is a plan that will bring happiness. 

Friday, June 12, 2009

Oh the adventures...!

I was looking through our pics and forgot about a few. They tell the story of a typical day when we go out to Bitter's and why we like going so much! :) (Yes, I did say typical...i'm not kidding either.) This may make for a long post of pics, but they are all worth posting for memories sake...and for some laughs.
Ride around the farm in the prowler, four wheeler, motorbike, three wheeler, bicycle....whatever you can find.
Hang out with Brynlee and watch all the funny things she says and does. (She is probably the funniest little girl I have ever seen in my life! We love her to death!!!!)

The adventures of the three wheeler...well the story started when Mitch decided to fix up this old three wheeler that came with the farm when they bought it. Keep in mind that this three wheeler has a duck tapped seat and one of the back wheels is significantly larger than the other. (Think redneck...)  Now the cool thing at the Bitters is to ride the three wheeler (actually watch the boys act like 10 year olds on the three wheeler). Here's how things usually happen...
The boys all hop on (sometimes 2 sometimes all three...yah, not kidding) and then they attempt to do "tricks"...
Which usually results like this....

Notice Mitch completely under the three wheeler in the next one...

And after the many crashes the handle bars usually need a good twisting...

After all of our outside adventures we usually and up in the house just doing whatever. Most of the time it end up in something like this...Matt and Mitch wrestling for a plastic gun that shoots plastic balls (cant think of the name at the moment). These two are hilarious to watch together. Notice Kathy's hand coming into the's always telling her boys not to fight. So cute :) Matt, Mitch, and Marsh are constantly teasing and doing their best to show their "brotherly love" to one another. 

So as you can tell there is NEVER a dull moment at the Bitters' house- and if there is you can be sure that someone will do something to spice it up pretty quick! We love you guys...thanks for being an awesome family and for making our guts hurt every time we visit! :)

I had to throw this one in...Seth came upstairs and asked if he could have something to eat. I told him to go lay on the couch like Mia and when she woke up from her nap I'd give them both a snack. This is how things ended up....

So cute :)
Families are great aren't they?!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cheap craft idea!

I saw some cute decorated frames in Porter's the other day and decided I wanted to make my own. I have been looking for frames to put portraits of my 2 grandmothers in so I can put them in my kitchen. Anyway...I made one this morning and am working on the other. Here it is:

I am going to my mom's tonight to get pictures for both frames. The brown and cream thing in the center was a bracelet my grandma Surerus got on one of her many trips she took before she passed away. The quote beneath it says "The measure of a woman's character is not what she gets from her ancestors, but what she leaves her decedents."
It was supper easy and fun to make! It too me maybe 30 minutes to do. It's a great craft for extra material, buttons, ribbon etc. The frame was only 3 dollars and the material I had already! Anyway...just thought i'd share! :)

Memorial Day

Better lat than never...right? On Memorial Day we broke out Matt's dad's drift boat and headed up to Ora bridge. Matt woke me up at 5:30 (good thing I didn't look at the clock until we were fishing or I would have been angry...). 

Matt fished (I did a little). I moslty ate PB & J's and read books for school.(Notice how my PBJ is going to eat Matt...I thought it was funny. Remember, I was EXTREMELY tired...there were some pretty random pictures just like this one on our camera...haha) It was a beautiful morning and we had a lot of fun! (Besides the the fact that when we got there we realized we forgot the REELS....and we had to make the 1/2 hour drive BACK TO REXBURG to get them. But we were still floating by 8 or so.)

Matt caught one little guy the whole time....It was cool to see how he gobbled up Matt's pretty salmon fly that he tied all by himself!

After our float we headed up to Grandma and Grandpa Bitter's ranch. I had never been there before and I love it! Everyone (Bitter fam) was fixing fence up there. We hung out for a bit and did a little exploring (forgot the camera). It is basically like their own little piece of Island Park. There is a spring and a creek on it and lot of trees and fun places to explore. It was great! After that we went for a float again. So, it was a pretty relaxing day. We got to be outside all day which is our favorite place to be!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Video for Ed206

Here is the video I ATTEMPTED to make for my edtech was teaching 3rd graders outdoor safety...enjoy!